By their very nature, trade show booths are designed to attract consumers by drawing them in and encouraging them to purchase a product or service. However, if you go to any trade show, you’ll find some booths that are bustling with potential customers, while others are not. So what makes one different from the other? Several factors, actually, but well-designed trade show displays can go a long way in helping you net as many new customers as possible. Here are four key features to keep in mind when designing your trade show exhibit:

Aesthetics – Trade Show Booth That’s Eye-Appealing

The outward appearance of your trade show booth can make or break your success at the show. If your exhibit is dull, boring, ugly or otherwise unappealing, people will not make it a point to stop by and see what you’ve got going on. Make your booth aesthetically pleasing by adding pictures, graphics, and tangible items that visitors can interact with. Find a happy medium between cluttered and barren, and utilize the space within your booth equally so there are no empty spots. Finally, don’t forget the lighting. The lighting in many convention halls can be unflattering, so you might consider bringing some of your own lighting devices to highlight particular areas in your booth.

Distinctiveness – Create An Unique Trade Show Display

Just as your show booth displays should be visually appealing, you also want it to be unique. If your booth looks like several others nearby, you may lose visitors who opt to go to the other displays instead of yours. Set your space apart with an eye-catching design that reflects your brand and image. Avoid the latest design trends that probably half of the others in the convention hall are using, and go with what you think best suits your product or service – even if no one else is doing it.

Functionality – Make Your Show Exhibit Easy to Navigate

Functionality can also play a huge role in your success at trade shows. Consider the layout of your exhibit and how visitors will move about it. You want there to be good flow, so guests can move unimpeded from one area to another. If the space seems awkward and people can’t easily access your information and products or they’re constantly bumping into one another as they browse, then functionality has been lost – and this can hurt your image.

The Message – Your Whole Booth is Your Message

Another key feature to consider is your company’s message. This seems like a no-brainer, but some businesses get so lost in other aspects of designing the perfect booth that they forget this basic element. The aesthetics and individuality of your convention exhibits exist to draw people in, but what are you going to say when they get there? You need to have a clear message for your guests, no matter what you’re selling. Consider your target audience and speak to them. Make your goals and objectives obvious so people know what your purpose is. You’ll also want to think about the delivery of this message and how to get through to people. Offer a variety of methods, from handouts to presentations, and make sure that everything is as clear as possible. Be knowledgeable without being overbearing, and be available for questions beyond the handouts and presentations.

Keeping these key features in mind as you put together your trade show booth can help you make the most of your time at the convention hall. Your exhibit is a direct reflection of you and your brand, and it’s also an excellent way to introduce yourself to new customers. Help these customers recognize what you have to offer by incorporating these elements to achieve a well-designed trade show booth.

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